Smithson Counseling Products Include... TRU Calm Series 5 Jump Starters Quick Calm Toolkit Stop Yelling Course
Are you stressed? Do you need a break? Do you want to stop yelling or losing your cool with your kids?
TRU Calm will give you 8 relaxation and mediation audio tracks that are that are designed to give you the daily practice skills and techniques to finally learn how to master your emotions and reactions with your kids and others in your life to make your teaching more effective, your relationships stronger and more meaningful and allow you to upgrade yourself to improve the way you feel and what you model for your children.
Why you should read this ebook!
In this short ebook you’ll learn 5 universal truths of parenting that will not only improve your children’s behavior, but will set in motion powerful positive cycles of growth and learning that will increase your happiness, the happiness of your child and even generations to come!
“I look forward to learning a lot from you! Thank you for the wonderful resource you are providing families! Such life-changing information!” (Rachel Macy Stafford from
Stop Freaking Out Once and for All!
The Quick Calm Toolkit is for any parents that ever finds themselves frustrated, anxious, overwhelmed or simply freaking out. You’ll learn a simple technique that will help you calm those negative emotions, better manage your emotions and be more mindful in your reactions toward your kids in literally 2 minutes.
It also provides several other resources to help you stop yelling and have less stress and more TRU joy and happiness with your kids.
Stop Yelling in 21 Days Coaching Course
Transform your life and home with less stress and more connection and cooperation! Imagine your life and home with less stress and less yelling. With more cooperation and connection. With happy and helpful kids. Can you picture what that would be like? Well, I want to help you take that picture from imagination to reality.
Give me a month and I’ll give you sanity! In 21 days you can learn the 4 steps to start your amazing transformation to stop yelling and start enjoying parenthood once more.