Mindwire Neurofeedback Brain Training Series: Week 3- Sleep
Healthy sleep hygiene and regular sleep patterns are crucial for maintaining good brain, mental, and physical health. Adequate sleep is essential for allowing the brain to repair and regenerate, and for consolidating memories and learning. Sleep is also important for regulating mood and emotions, and a lack of sleep can contribute to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
In addition, healthy sleep patterns can have significant benefits for physical health. Good quality sleep has been shown to boost the immune system, regulate appetite and metabolism, and reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
On the other hand, poor sleep hygiene and irregular sleep patterns can have negative effects on brain and mental health, including impaired cognitive function, decreased attention and memory, and increased risk of developing mood disorders.
Overall, prioritizing healthy sleep habits and maintaining regular sleep patterns is crucial for optimizing brain, mental, and physical health.
Challenge Exercises: Implement 1 or more of these skills this week.
Have a Sleep schedule. Have a set bedtime and wake time most days of the week and stick to it as often as possible. Shoot for 7-9 hrs of sleep per/night. If possible, sleep during dark hours and get into natural sunlight as soon as you can in the morning. This helps to set your circadian rhythm.
Have a bedtime routine. Create a calming and predictable bedtime routine that starts 30-45 minutes before bed. Find what works best for you and experiment with things that might help you sleep better.
Cut out screens or electronics 1 hour before bed is at all possible. If not, get amber lens glasses to block blue light and support the transition to sleep. This is an important one for our generation. Find other ways to entertain or work in the hour before bed. Read from an actual paper book or article or write. Do crossword on paper. Talk to a loved one. Just get off your electronic devices.
Have a dark, cool sleep space. You don’t have to get expensive black out window coverings. You could just put a blanket up if your windows let a lot of light in. Most people sleep better with the temperature a little cooler than the temperature the prefer during the day but it should be comfortable.
Avoid large meals, caffeine or alcohol before bed. Most people do best with not having caffeine or alcohol at least 4-6 hours before their bedtime.
Increase your physical exercise throughout the day but not right before bedtime. Being more physically and mentally active during the day can improve your quickness to fall asleep and the depth of your sleep.
Learn more about Mindwire Neurofeedback Services.